Pro Spot i4 Spot Welder requires 3 Phase. Phasemaster® MA-1 Solves it.

by Dec 9, 2020Case Studies, Manufacturing0 comments

We recently received a call from a gentleman who purchased an i4 Inverter Resistance Spot Welder for his shop. Upon prepping for its arrival and installation he discovered the Pro Spot i4 required 3ph. So, being in San Francisco, California he figured his utility company who be able to supply 3ph to the shop building, which he was leasing. What happened next, blew his mind away.

First, he tried the San Francisco Water Power Sewer website where a search for  3 Phase lead to more 404 errors than houses in Georgia with that area code.

So, wait 30-45 days for the build out. Then, you pay the utility company $200 per foot of 3 phase, then you pay an extra 17% for 3ph kilowatt versus 1ph kilowatt. All for something you cannot take with you or resell in the event you move our shutdown your business. Gulp!

In refusal to surrender, he turned to Google, which lead him to Appendix G – Electric Service Guidelines. We would love to share the restrictions and abundant regulations imposed by them with you, unfortunatley the document starts out with a copyright warning. We will leave it at that.

Pro Spot Weld i4  3 phase cooling system

Eventually, his found the Electric Rules and Regulations for SFPUC.

After digesting the document he made the grave mistake of calling them. After a mere 22 minutes and change, we get ahold of someone who was limited in their knowledge of 3 phase utility, but, was able to transformer him. After another “brief” hold. He learn at was going to cost him nearly double what his Pro Spot Welder did, plus the pain do not stop there. His 3kw utility was more expensive than 1kw utility and is due every month with the regular electric bill.

In discuss, he did surrender and was going to return his the i4 when a friend suggested he call a 3 phase conversion expert.

Unfortunately, Kay Industries did not rank very high on Google for whatever phrase he searched.

He spoken the three phase line construction companies, VFD manufacturies, and others who had so much confusing information that he was about to call his adventure quits.

As one final ditch effort, he reached out to Graybar, an Electric Supply Distributor located at 1760 Cesar Chavez Street.

They did not have an answer either, however, they knew exactly who to call…. “(574) 236-6220,” that is the number for Kay Industries. If you want I will call them for you, but, after what you have been through, just call them direct.”, said the Customer Service Representation at the counter.

“It was my last call. It should have been my first call.”, he claims.

If asking a few questions, and reviewing the specification sheet on the Pro Spot website, we recommended the Phasemaster MA-1-R for the job.

Like we always say, “No 3 phase? No problem!”





Pro Spot Weld i4 operates with 3ph - Kay Industry converter experts solved it with a Phasemaster
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