PhasePerfect® Digital Converter

Phase Perfect® Digital Converter Products are an excellent alternative to static and rotary phase converters when sound, space, and voltage balance are critical.

Our E-Phase experts can help you size and buy the PhasePerfect® Digital Converter best suited for your application. Here’s the catalogue.


PhasePerfect® Digital Converter
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7834 Queen Road
Plymouth, Indiana 46563, USA
Mon – Fri 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM EST
Sat – Sun CLOSED
(574) 780-7464
Sales Office
207 East Market Street
Nappanee, Indiana 46550, USA
Mon – Fri 8 AM – 5 PM EST
Sat 9 Am – 12 PM EST | Sun CLOSED
(574) 236-6220

The Phasemaster® Rotary phase converter and the Phaseperfect® digital phase converter are both excellent options for elevator installation and successful operation.

Phaseperfect Digital phase converters and phasemaster rotary phase converter sit side by side at Kay Industries

When seeking a 3 phase converter for a elevator installation, there are several factors to consider.

Beyond the sizing of the phase converter is understanding the elevator manufacturers recommendations for providing 3 phase to the elevator motor, as well as the usage purpose of the elevator.

For example when selecting a phase converter for a freight Day elevator where only single-phase power is available and voltage requirements are within 2-5% balance, or a GSI agricultural grain elevator needed a duty-heavy phase converter, Kay Industries typically recommend Phasemaster® rotary.


,However, a heavily used Schindler passenger elevator in a highrise building is more likely to require balanced voltages within 1-2%. Or, an Otis escalator in a museum may require a quieter phase converter for the convenience of its visitors. In these instances the Phaseperfect® digital converter is the hands down best option.

While phase converters can be expensive, in comparison three phase from the utility company, phase converters have several advantages.

1) You can take the phase convert with you if you move.

2) You pay for single-phase kilowatt-hour utility power versus three-phase kilowatt-hour utility power with a phase converter versus utility providers.

3) Three-phase from the utility company cost $150 – $200 per foot. With any significant distance between the utility power provided three-phase and the building structure, a converter could pay for itself.

The price of electricity is unlikely to ever come down, so these savings will both increase and compound with time.

Considering the average cost of electricity in the United States, across all sectors, was 6.75 cents per kilowatt-hour in January of 2001, and twenty years later, ( January 2021), it was 10.35 cents, we can safely assume costs will continue to increase. Most utility customers pay more than the above average rate (which includes industrial users, who receive a significant discount), which makes the rising costs hurt even more.


Other applications such HVAC systems with sensitive condensers, or softstarts are better suited for Phase Perfect® digital converter selection.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment are some of the most power hungry electrical loads in most buildings and continually see more elctronic modification and voltage sensitive micro-processors.

In these cases, Phase Perfect® digital converter selection is ideal. You get low standby power usage and utility-quality three-phase to run any three-phase HVAC load, all on single-phase power!

Each Phase Perfect® digital converter provides smooth, reliable 3-phase power from single-phase lines. For the majority of applications, Phase Perfect digital converters® are sized to the largest 3Ø motor (based on HP) or total motor HP to be operated at one time depending on the build design, codes, and application needs presented when sizing for a 3 phase converter.

Phase Perfect Digital Converter
System Benefits

Phase Perfect® is flexible and features various model types and configurations offering a wide range of different loads for multiple applications.


All Phase Perfect® digital converters are 2 wires in, 3 wires out. This makes for an easy installation.


Phase Perfect® offeres voltage balances within 1-2%. And, they are quieter than rotary phase converters. When you buy from Kay Industries, our award-winning customer service will not disappoint. In fact, make up a problem, even if it is with a competitive converter brand, call and test us (574) 236-6220. I double dare you.

Phase Perfect Digital Converter for sale Kay Industries
side panel view of Phase Perfect Digital converters

There are some applications where, it is recommended that your future Phase Perfect® digital convert be oversized in order for your application to operate at an optimized capacity.

When in doubt, ALWAYS speak with Kay Industries to determine and verify 3PH static, rotary or digital converter sizing and type.

(574) 236-6220

Phase Perfect® Models & Types:

Before you select a 3 phase converter, be sure you know the critical factors in determining the best converter for your application. Phase Perfect® digital converters consist of PT Simple, PT Enterprise. PT Original Performance. Call our E-Phase experts to learn the difference.

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