Our Phasemaster® MA models are unique to Kay Industries, our Kandlesticks® are built by Phazpak™ in Indiana.
When an automatic control is needed for Ai-one models or Wall-mounted phase converters (WMA) we humbly join efforts with North American Rotary in Wisconsin, who are more experience with digital automatic controls than us, (see the PL-60-AC sold by AMG Bolting Solutions) and every Acme, Hammond, and Dongan Transformers sold by Kay Industries is via an American 3rd party resource, such as Bruce Electric in Lindenhurt, New York.
We do not hide truth.
As the worldwide leader in making phase converters, we believe it is our expertise and knowledge that makes the #1 go-to place for a 3 phase converter selection, sizing, and service.
We recognize the importance of supporting the words “Made in America”. So, when an application calls for an application ideally fit for a digital converter before one of our more traditional converters, we are not going to try to sell you Phasemaster® rotary phase converter products only. Instead, we will quote you and recommend a Phaseperfect® digital phase converter.
We welcome you to call us regardless of what type of converter or brand you have. We are here to support you, as together we begin making phase converters great again in America.

New 3 Phase Converter Products:
Tandem 3Ph Converters is designed for cold weather environments. Learn More >>>